
Landscaping Trees - Looking At The Various Types

Trees provide eye appeal to homes as well as providing shade. They are a natural part of almost any landscape and, with a little planning, a few well placed trees can turn a dull looking house into a beautiful park-like scene. If you ever plan to sell your house the appearance of the lot can be a big plus in your favor.

Landscaping trees are only limited by your imagination and the area, or climate, you live in. There are so many different types that chances are you will have a difficult time making up your mind. There are large trees, shade trees, fruit trees, and flowering trees. Within each of these categories are countless breeds. If you love fruit you might choose an apple tree, a plum tree, a peach tree, or a pear tree. You can treat fruit trees as landscaping trees or you can create your own fruit orchard.

There are many types of landscaping trees that are ornamental. This means they add color and beauty to your landscape design. Japanese Red Maples provide gorgeous deep red foliage which sometimes seems to be more of a purple color. They grow slowly but the end result is a beautiful ornamental tree that anybody would be proud to have in their yard.

Landscaping Trees That Bloom

The Golden Chain: This is a tree that is very easy to grow and provides a stunning display of yellow blooms in the spring. It is small in stature and looks good when planted in a border.

Royal Paulownia: This tree grows extremely fast and provides a lot of shade. In the spring you are rewarded with tons of lavender flowers. It is easy to grow and will survive in almost any type soil. If you need shade but don't want to have to wait several years, this tree would be worth consideration.

Magnolias: This is a great landscaping tree which provides large pink flowers that give off an exhilarating smell. It blooms in the spring and provides large, dark green leaves for the remainder of the summer. This is known as the Southern Belle of trees because it was often seen on the southern plantations of the deep south.

Bradford Pear: This is one of the most popular landscaping trees, especially in the areas with warmer temperatures. In the spring the tree is filled with thousands of small white blooms. After the blooming season you can find small, miniature pears which mix in with the greenery. Although these pears are not good for eating, they do provide texture and contrast during the summer months.

This is just a small sampling of the many different landscaping trees you can find. Before purchasing any of these trees you will need to check to see if they are suitable for your climate. Adding trees to your landscape can help provide texture and interest to your property. You will have these trees for many years of enjoyment.