
Using Landscaping Stone

There are various kinds of ornaments or structures that can be used to decorate you landscape area. There are several manmade structures like gazebos, water formations, trellises etc that you can integrate into the landscape. These are sure to make the area more interesting and more natural looking if they are made of natural materials that do not stand out.

Common Landscaping Stone

The most common materials used in landscaping structures are wood and stone. Landscaping stone is great because they come in many different kinds. The more common landscaping stone used for outdoor landscaping are granite, limestone and marble. These are three entirely different stone that can be utilized for landscaping purposes. Other kinds of stone used as landscaping stone are brick, sandstone, mountain quartz, adobe and so much more.

Uses of Landscaping Stone

Landscaping stone is often used to make a gravel pathway. These pathways are often made of coarse gravel, washed gravel, brick chips, "gold" dust and many more. The choices for loose aggregates are so many that you will have to refer to a stone company for them. Another use for landscaping stone is for flagging or paving. Flagging or paving is used for pathways or floors of outdoor or indoor structures. Using stone for floors make for a beautiful accent and a rustic or natural feel of the structure.

Use of stone for landscape boulders and slabs make for very attractive stone pieces in the garden. They give a rugged feel to the landscaped area and add to the natural beauty. It is sometimes better to use local stone or more natural colored stones for a natural looking garden. The more flamboyant stones can also be used but these need consideration about what kind of plants or flowers complement them. Some stone fit a more arid looking garden compared to darker colored stone which complement more foliage.

Other landscaping stone use is for low walls or low borders. Putting low walls in and around the garden can help segregate the place and also add to the beauty of the area. It is better to add low walls or borders instead of the higher walls since low walls give the sense of wideness and breadth. Some landscaping stone uses are for cut stone steps. Cut stone steps are very attractive in the landscaped garden or area. These can be used to lead people to other outdoor structures or areas. Stone furniture is often used to both decorate the garden and accommodate people who spend time at the garden.