Lawyer Not Required To Obtain Divorce Forms
Couple may decide to end their marriage for a variety of reasons and when they do, they often find that the cost of the proceedings can be high. Between attorney fees and court filing fees, divorce can be an expensive exercise. One way many can help reduce the cost is in filling out the divorce forms on their own. Since the process has become common throughout the country over the past few years, there are numerous resources from which divorce forms can be obtained, outside the attorney's office.
It often been said that a person who represents themselves in court has a fool for a client, filling out divorce forms is one step that legal preparation may not be totally necessary. Many of the divorce forms are self-explanatory, although the information inserted into the forms can often affect the outcome of the divorce proceedings.
There are also different types of divorce that will affect the type of divorce forms that will be needed. Dissolution of marriage, usually an agreement made between the parties to put an end to the marriage, where certain aspects of custody and support is agreed upon in advance. For divorces that are more contentious a judge may be required to settle some of the disagreements.
Have Expert Review All Forms Before Filing
Depending on the state in which the divorce is being filed, there are different divorce forms that may be needed. In some states, no-fault divorces may be available and there are also community property states that demand an even division of property, including money, at the end of the marriage. Other states allow the parties, if possible, to agree to an equitable division of any property and possessions.
Each different type of divorce as well as different states will have its own divorce forms that are required. It is always best to have an expert at least review the divorce forms before the divorce is filed with the family court. Typically, forms that are filled out incorrectly will cause they entire proceeding to be dismissed and the case will need to be re-filed.
Additionally, if it is found that any information on the divorce forms was intentionally made inaccurate in an attempt to hide certain facts concerning custody, alimony or child support, the person presenting the divorce forms with the wrong information can be found in contempt of court and face criminal and civil penalties. These can include fines and possible jail time.