Divorce Advice: Different Stroke For Different Situations
You can get quite different divorce advice from different sources depending on what you want to hear and also what you are going to use it for, though before you ask for such advice, you must clarify the reason why you are seeking such advice which would help you look for it in the right places. And, you should not make the common mistake of putting all different divorce categories into one, since it makes most sense to seek such advice from more than one place and also remember that there are many divorce advice categories to look for.
Mind Is Fully Made Up
You may for instance, seek out divorce advice when you have made up your mind that you are going in for a divorce no matter what or tough it is to get the divorce, which would mean meeting with legal eagles which in turn means having to have all the proper facts sorted out such as account names, timelines and such so that your divorce lawyer is given all the facts available before which will enable him or her to proffer the proper divorce advice to you.
You may also want another type of divorce advice and that is when you may be reasonably sure that you would like a divorce, but are worried about the financial implications, or even worried about the well being of your children. When you seek out this form of divorce advice, it may be in your best interests to first consult a lawyer and/or financial expert, or even a counselor so that you are well informed about every aspect of your divorce, and it would in your best interests to speak to more than one person so that you get the right kind of divorce advice from independent sources.
There is yet another situation under which you may want to seek divorce advice and that is when you are sure that the divorce is going to be clean and simple and without any financial problems, and such a divorce should not require any complicated divorce advice since you will have arrived at the decision emotionally well prepared and there is nothing that is causing you any great worry. The kind of divorce advice you get under such circumstances would have not very great financial implications, and would probably deal only with prenuptial agreement or even a mutually agreed-to divorce.
However, perhaps the best divorce advice you can ever get is one in which you take care of all matters on your own, and even though it is great to talk to friends, counselors as well as family, ultimately the divorce is your baby and only you should be able to think and act it out as best as you can.