
Dealing With Menopause And Hormones

At a point in every woman's life, she must have to come to terms that she will no longer be able to produce children (even if she already did, or never wanted to). This process, known as menopause, can go on for a few years when a woman reaches a certain age. Menopause and hormones are two things that women approaching their 40's should begin thinking about. Here is some information on menopause, and what menopause and hormones have to do with each other:

What Is Menopause?

In the age range of 45-55, a woman will begin to go through menopause, or what is also known as the "change of life". Menopause is the point in a woman's life when she will no longer have her period, and if she has not had her period for at least 12 months, then she has completed this "change" in life. During this transition, the woman's body slowly stops producing estrogen and progesterone, the two hormones that play an important part in women's reproduction. Because of this, the woman will start noticing the symptoms and menopause; hot flashes, vaginal soreness, night sweats, period fluctuations, bone thinning which could eventually lead to osteoporosis.

Treatment Of Menopause

Obviously, there is no cure for menopause. It is a natural occurrence that every woman must go through when they get to a certain age. But, there are ways to alleviate some of the effects that the lack of estrogen and progesterone in the body will do. Menopause and hormones, or lack thereof, can be treated with hormone therapy. Your doctor will prescribe a low dosage of estrogen, progesterone or both to help prevent major bone weakness, as well as reduce the amount of night sweat, hot flashes and vaginal problems you may encounter while going through menopause.

Effects Of Hormones

While menopause and hormones go hand in hand, and one affects the other, it is important to remember that if you choose to take hormones to relieve the symptoms and prevent bone deterioration, then you will want to take them in low dosages. Taking prescribed hormones has been noted to increase the risk of blood clots, breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes and other illness or diseases in some women. Hormone therapy will not prevent any diseases, nor does it increase your sex drive. The best way to find out if you should take any hormone replacement is to confer with your physician.

As you can see, menopause and hormones are a major part in an older woman's life. As a woman reaches that point where menopause and hormones are becoming an issue, it is best to talk to an OB/GYN to find out the best solution for the symptoms and effects of menopause.