
Herbs for Medicine: A New Garb For Ancient Remedies

The use of herbs for medicine has been known to us for quite some many years and it also goes by the name of phytotherapy and herbalism, which is a branch of ancient alternate medicinal systems involving many plants and their extracts that are used to cure diseases as also help provide relief from different ailments. There is no doubting that herbs for medicine have certain powers to heal, and this is borne out from the fact that their use has been ongoing for many thousands of years in successfully combating various diseases as well as disorders.

Herbs Have Been Used For Many Centuries

The strength in using herbs for medicine lies in the fact that even today, there are many herbs being used that have been used for centuries on end and which have proved them very capable of healing a person. In fact, there is concrete evidence to support the fact that herbs for medicine have been known to man from as many as sixty thousand years ago, and its use has continuously been improved as more knowledge has been gained as to its many benefits.

There is even mention in the Bible regarding the use of herbs for medicine which only strengthens the view that man and nature are inexorably bound together. Not only does modern man use herbs for medicine, but even ancient tribal communities have been known to have known about herbal supplements as also medicinal herbs by using trial and error methods to get better results. This accumulation of knowledge has been handed down from generation to generation and thus we have been able to continuously refine and improve on this knowledge.

In fact, the modern herbs for medicine that we are accustomed to using owe them to many different and varied influences such as those of Greeks and Roman as well as ancient Ayurvedic influences from India, and especially the Chinese influence. There are now many herbalists and botanist as well as pharmacologists and even microbiologists that have come together from different parts of the world in an attempt to find the elixir of herbal medicines through a study of ancient medicinal herbs as well as new specimens.

Herbal medicine can be used for a variety of health problems, but today is most commonly used for the treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure, pain, asthma, and related problems. There are certain herbs which are very commonly used in herbalism and green tea for one, which most people do not even realize is considered as being an herb.

The benefits of green tea have been recognized and celebrated for a long time, and it is most noted for containing volatile oils, vitamins, minerals, and caffeine, as well as polyphenols, particularly the catechin called epigallocatechin gallate. Green tea helps guard and protect the body against cardiovascular disease and even helps with weight loss.

Milk thistle is another of the most commonly used herbs, but which is typically used to increase the secretion and flow of bile from the liver and gallbladder. Milk thistle, like most other herbs, is incredibly easy to use, and here you can simply pour a cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the ground seeds of the milk thistle and let infuse for about 15 minutes. Drinking this three times a day will have you noticing effects within a week.

Blue Cohosh is another herb used frequently in herbalism, and the root and rhizome of the herb are most commonly included in recipes here. It is considered as being an excellent uterine tonic that can also be used at any time during pregnancy, especially if there is a threat of miscarriage because it offers an anti-spasmodic action and will ease false labor pains an dysmenorrhia.


Although herbal medicine is natural and usually very safe, it is important to know that you should never mix this medicine with any type of prescription medication, because the result of this could be incredibly dangerous, even potentially life threatening. Many negative and adverse health reactions have been reported in cases like these so it is important that you basically choose one or the other and stick to it, or at least give your body time to get the other out of its system before starting on a new form of medicine.