Dog Constipation Treatment Can Involve Physically Removing The Feces
It is good for a dog to defecate a minimum of once in two days and that too, with soft feces, and a dog that does not do so will be sure to have constipation. The most probable causes for constipation in dogs could be mechanical obstructions like tumors, strictures as well as foreign bodies. Additionally, dogs that ingest large meals consisting of bones as well as indigestible fibrous material are also likely suffer constipation.
Early Treatment Is Necessary
If dog constipation goes unnoticed, the feces may begin to accumulate in the colon, lose their moisture and dry up thus making it much harder for the dog to move the bowel, and in case of older dogs, this is more likely to occur. Frequent constipation in the dog results in a condition known as megacolon, and clinical signs are important ways of diagnosing constipation in dogs. The first dog constipation treatment often tried out involves enemas as well as physical removal of the feces.
Veterinary clinics will perform the removal of feces and this is a good dog constipation treatment, but if it is not successful, then surgery can be the answer. Surgery as a dog constipation treatment is the last option used when other methods fail. It may also become necessary to give the dog intravenous liquids in order to treat dehydration, and there are a number of laxatives that can be given as a dog constipation treatment alternative, which would help soften the stool as well as improve contraction of the colon.
Before deciding on a dog constipation treatment, it would be necessary to first ascertain the underlying causes and this may warrant a veterinarian to perform a physical examination of the dog as well as be informed about the pet's medical history, diet as well as daily routine. Also, blood tests, X-rays and other tests may be necessary.
However, instead of a dog constipation treatment being the answer, it is better if measures are taken that prevents constipation in dogs in the first place. After all, prevention is better than cure. A high-fiber diet along with plenty of water is a must, along with regularly exercising the dog; since it will allow the dog to have regular chances for moving its bowels.
A good dog constipation treatment method is to give the dog diets rich in fiber that will aid in managing constipation in the dog since the fiber increases retention of water in the intestines, and softens the stool. Being more bulky, it will also increase the propulsive movements of the intestine and thus help to alleviate constipation.