
Constipation during potty training Are Harmless, Easily Be Dealt With

There could be a number of different reasons why constipation during potty training occurs with children, which in most cases, are generally harmless. A child that is short on fluids or fiber in its diet or feels feverish may cause him or her to have short-term constipation during potty training.

Often, toddlers may feel pressurized to be potty-trained and it also occurs in children that are too engrossed in their play and forget about going to the toilet which makes them rather prone to having constipated stomachs.

Can Occur With Infants Being Breastfed

Constipation during potty training may also occur with infants being breastfed and who may not move their bowels for days on end. However, constipation can also be a sign of other underlying physical problems, and it is best if constipation is dealt with early in children being potty trained as waste matters, when it builds up in them, will dry out and worsens the condition making it more painful as well as difficult to pass stool.

One can be reasonably sure that constipation during potty training is present if the child complains of poor appetite as well as stomach aches, there is extra long duration between passing of stool, has smelly soiling along with traces of old stool in fresh feces, blood stains in underwear, nappies or stool, repeatedly wets the bed at night, feels lethargic and also passes stool that is large as well as very hard.

A toddler that becomes constipated during potty training should be put back in nappies for about a month, and when potty training is started afresh, it should be made fun to learn by giving the child rewards for good performance. And, if accidents occur, the parent should not make a fuss or emphasize the negative aspect, and the child should also not be given any laxative, drugs or suppositories, except when medically advised to do so.

If there is constipation during potty training, the parent should consult with a doctor and not delay in seeking professional medical help as the sooner the condition is addressed the better, as well as easier, it will be to rectify it. Even if the doctor recommends a mild laxative, the parent should ensure that the child also consumes six to eight glasses of water daily which, would help clear the bowels within 24 hours.

Children suffering constipation during potty training can also be recommended to take senna, a bowel stimulant that also helps to establish regular habits in the child. If senna does not work, doctors generally refer the child to a hospital for further investigation.