
Some Unique Baby Shower Gifts to Choose From

There seems to be so many things that you can purchase for a new mom's baby shower. There are engraved items, common everyday items that are needed and then there are also unique baby shower gifts.

It can be really hard to decide what to take to a baby shower. This is because you want to give unique baby shower gifts because the last thing that you want to happen is to have your gift placed into a closet or given to charity without ever being used. For this reason, you really should take the time to consider purchasing one of the following unique baby shower gifts for the next shower that you attend.

Personalized Ornaments

If you would like to purchase unique baby shower gifts for this new mom-to-be, then you should consider purchasing her an ornament that is made out of ceramic tiles. This ornament can be displayed on a cabinet or shelf somewhere in the baby's room. Since these are custom made, you can find a poem to engrave upon it. A specially chosen poem will be something that the family will treasure for years to come because they know that you were thinking especially of them whenever you chose the poem.


You can always find very special, small pillows that can be used as unique baby shower gifts. This is because you can have something personal written by you embroidered upon this pillow. There are several colors and designs that you can choose from. The family will really appreciate this pillow for quite some time to come.

Personalized Frame

Just like pillows and ornaments, frames can also be personalized. If you already know what the baby's name is going to be, then you can engrave this upon a frame for the family to keep cherished photos inside of. Besides putting the baby's name on these unique baby shower gifts, you can also put the Biblical or historical meaning of the name upon the frame as well. You can even take things a step further and put a special poem on there, dedicating the gift to the baby and wishing the entire family well.

Piggy Bank

You can always purchase the new baby a piggy bank so that their parents can begin saving money for them. Then, once the child is older, they can continue saving money in this piggy bank.

Regardless of what gift you choose to give a new mom, you should always be sure to include a hand written card and preferably a gift receipt. This is a way in which you can express your feelings about this joyous occasion.