
Creative Baby Shower Gifts that are Cute as well as Functional

There are few things cuter than a baby shower, where pink and blue are the primary colors of choice and ducks and bears abound. Most baby shower hostesses strive to throw a bash that will be creative as well as cute, and that includes the creative baby shower gifts that are often presented at this affair. When it comes to a shower, the sky is the limit when it comes to the cuteness factor, and that includes the presentation of the gift as well as the gift itself. It is not enough to offer the mother-to-be a bundle of onesies for her new little one, when those same items can be presented in an adorable "bouquet". How about an egg carton filled with a dozen socks? One of the cutest and most practical creative baby shower gifts is a layer cake that is comprised of plenty of diapers that will get new parents through the first few days at home with their little one. When it comes to creative baby shower gifts, imagination should dictate what you purchase and how you present it.

A Tisket, a Tasket

A baby shower basket? By all means, and any theme will do. You can buy a wicker laundry basket and fill it with baby laundry detergent, diapers, burp cloths and a onesie or two. Another creative baby shower gift is to fill a baby bathtub with baby soap, shampoo, a couple of cute hooded towels and matching washcloths. Don't forget the rubber ducky of course, and make it one that squirts water for extra bath time fun! Another creative baby shower gift in the basket repertoire is a sleepy time basket filled with some classic board books ("Goodnight Moon" should definitely be on your list!), a fuzzy blanket and some matching booties. Include a CD of music that is specifically designed to lull a tiny one to sleep. Your new little recipient is sure to catch some Z's with these selections. Finally, you can go with a "soup's on" basket that can offer plenty of bottles, feeding spoons and even a few jars of food. Those solids will come along sooner than you think!

Time for Mom

It is a shower for Mom, after all, so don't forget a creative baby shower gift especially made for her. Most new moms will love to have a bath basket that comes complete with a bit of aromatherapy for relaxing time, and plenty of lotion that will soothe dry hands. Another creative baby shower gift for an expecting mom is a gift certificate to a diaper or babysitting service that will offer a helping hand during those first busy weeks at home with a new baby. Most moms will also appreciate a gift card for a meal preparation company or a restaurant, since cooking will be a challenge to complete for a while! A cozy new bathrobe will help those chilly, nighttime feedings stay a bit toastier as well.

Creative baby shower gifts are only limited by your own imagination. Take some time to think about what a new mom will need most, and then find a new and fun way to present it. Your gift is sure to be a hit at the next baby shower!