The History Of The Waikiki Aquarium
Hawaii is a great place to see diverse and varied marine life. Being a tropical island in the middle of the Pacific makes conditions ideal for marine life. Waikiki Aquarium is one of the oldest aquariums in the world. It was established in the year 1904 and is a part of the University of Hawaii. It can be seen in Waikiki beach, beside a living coral reef and features the marine life and other animals connected to the sea in that part of the Pacific Islands.
There are over 2500 marine life species in the Waikiki Aquarium from all over the tropical islands. These species and subspecies come from approximately 400 kinds of animals. You can get to see the diversity and complexity of reef life in the Waikiki Aquarium because they feature many aquariums and programs that expose the marine life in this level. They have successfully managed to show life in the coral reef in an enclosed aquarium.
Schedule of Waikiki Aquarium
The Waikiki Aquarium has entrance fees that range from $7 for adults and $3.50 for children above 13 years old. Children below twelve years old are allowed in for free. Upon payment of the admission fees, individuals are given a free audio tour wand tat can help explain where you are and what you are currently looking at.
Waikiki Aquarium is open from 9:00 am up to 5:00 am daily. There are exceptions to these which are Christmas, New Year and Thanksgiving. The aquarium is usually closed during Christmas day and there is a limited opening time during New Year and Thanksgiving. Times of opening and closing for these holidays are usually posted or announced at the entrance of the Waikiki Aquarium.
Brief History of the Waikiki Aquarium
The aquarium was opened in March 19, 1904 and is currently the third oldest aquarium the United States of America. It was integrated with the University of Hawaii in the year 1919. The establishment of the Waikiki Aquarium was initiated by the Honolulu Rapid Transit Authority, which is now known as the Oahu Transit Services Inc. The Waikiki Aquarium was formed in the hopes of enticing to ride the trains and trolleys right up to the very end of the transit lines.
Up to this very day, the Waikiki Aquarium has among the finest fishes and marine life samples and collection in the world. Many aquarists and researchers refer to the aquarium for their species and help in their studies.