The Baltimore Aquarium Is A Wonderful Place
The Baltimore Aquarium is one of the best in the business. This great institution is located in Baltimore, Maryland and it attracts thousands from the local area. There are also many tourists who come to view the exhibits in this wonderful place. Many of the groups that come to the Baltimore Aquarium are students who learn a great deal on their trip to the Baltimore Aquarium. Teachers bring students of all ages to the Baltimore Aquarium to supplement the information that they learn in their textbooks. This institution is a great place for all of these students.
The Baltimore Aquarium is full of animals including but not limited to fish. There are more than 15,000 specimens of animals and more than 500 species. The Baltimore Aquarium is not a static institution, and the exhibits change continually. There are exhibits such as a recent one on the Chambered nautilus. This is a mollusk related to the octopus and a fascinating creature. Another exhibit has been informational about the octopus. Other exhibits provide information on the animals in Australia. This exhibit pays careful attention to the difficult environment of many of the animals in Australia. All of the special exhibits are fascinating, and the Baltimore Aquarium updates their presentations on a regular basis.
The Baltimore Aquarium Is For Fish Too
Most people think of an aquarium as a place for fish of all kinds. The Baltimore Aquarium has great collections and exhibits, and it has plenty of fish as well. There are many different species of fish housed in this aquarium. Visitors to the aquarium can see dolphins up close in the large tanks. People can actually touch the dolphins in the exhibit. Visitors can also view sharks up close, but there is no touching of these creatures. There are zebra sharks and sand tiger sharks in the exhibits at this wonderful aquarium.
Smaller and more beautiful fish are easy to view at the aquarium. There are minnows, skates and rays swimming through for all to view. Most people will think that they are looking at a sea snake when they watch the eels, but these creatures do not go looking for their food. They wait until some delicacy comes to them. The Baltimore Aquarium has a unique collection of frogs and birds that usually delight all of the visitors. Those watching the different critters will also see a human in the tanks from time to time as there are a program to teach people how to dive in an aquarium.