
Hosting Tupperware Fund Raisers

Tupperware has long but left the public eye and has long but left the average American kitchen. Unlike some of the other fads that come and go in the kitchen, Tupperware has proven to be absolutely permanent in American kitchens. Tupperware fund raisers came into the picture a long time ago as a way to earn some money while being a stay-at-home mom or simply a way to make some money on the side as a part-time job in addition to one's full-time job during the week or on some regular basis. Selling Tupperware through fund raisers and Tupperware parties has since become two very different things. Currently fund raisers are Tupperware's contribution to fund raising endeavors for many different types of groups whereas the original type is now called a Tupperware party during which the host collects a commission for the Tupperware sold that day at the party.

What Kind of Fund Raisers Are There?

Basically, virtually any group can decide to have a Tupperware fund raiser in order to raise money for their cause. In some cases, that might be a Little League team that needs new uniforms or it could be a class of high school seniors who are raising money for their senior trip. In either case, what happens is that the group organizes a type of Tupperware party but calls it a Tupperware fund raiser and advertises the cause for which the profits will be used. When a Tupperware party is held, the commission for all the Tupperware is kept by the host of the party as her income for the party. Basically, the same process applies at a Tupperware fund raiser, only the money is kept by the group needing the money for their cause.

Having a fund raiser by using the goods of Tupperware is a very good way to make a little bit of money if your group has a need for something. There are many people who are more likely to buy a little bit of Tupperware if they know that the proceeds are going to a cause like Girl Scouts or a sporting team. The cause is just a little bit more concrete than being someone's personal income. Of course, close friends are liable to buy from you at a Tupperware party, or people who have a viable need for Tupperware, but as for buying because you think it's a good cause, you'll sell more by hosting a fund raiser than by hosting a party.