Signs And Symptoms Of Teething
When your baby is teething, chances are he or she is not the happiest little camper. Baby teething is a difficult thing for babies to go through, and it can be especially difficult on the parents. However, for some babies you might not even know that they are teething, especially if it is your first baby. Here are some signs and symptoms that your baby is about to get some new teeth in his or her tiny little mouth.
Signs Of A Cold
If your baby looks like he or she is getting a cold, it might actually be teething. When the teeth come in, they sometimes put pressure on the baby's sinuses or ear canals. This can cause cold symptoms to occur. These symptoms can be as mild as a slightly runny nose or as extreme as full blown ear infections. While you might not think that ear infections are signs of the baby getting teeth, these sometimes occur during the teething process because the teeth put pressure on the ear canal. This decreases the mobility in the ear canal and causes fluid to back up and get infected. However, just because your baby is getting teeth and that causes the ear infection, an ear infection will still need to be treated as soon as possible to prevent any permanent damage to the ear drum.
Likewise, your child may get a fever due to the teething process. However, it is important to note that normal teething will not result in a fever. If your child has a high fever while getting teeth, do not simply ignore it. Chances are that he or she has something like an ear infection or a sinus infection and he or she needs to get an antibiotic.
Other Symptoms
When your little one is getting teeth, there will be several other symptoms you can look for. First, look for rosy red cheeks. If one cheek is red and the other is not, then most likely the tooth will come in the red side. Second, look for tons of drool. While most babies drool normally, during teething the drooling will increase exponentially. You might even find yourself having to change your baby's clothes often because of the excessive drooling. Third and worst of all the symptoms, your baby might not sleep and might simply cry in pain. If your baby is crying constantly and acting like he or she is hurting, it might be teething. Talk to your doctor, but for most babies you can give them some baby pain killer.