
Choosing The Right Cross Tattoo Idea

There are many different cross tattoo ideas to choose from, but selecting the right one for you can be a difficult process. You do not want to make the wrong decision as a cross tattoo idea needs to represent something that is going to last with you for the rest of your life. Many people get cross tattoos who are not even religious and this is perfectly acceptable, but you want to make sure that cross tattoo idea lines up with your own personal philosophy before you get it.

Steps To Deciding On Your Cross Tattoo Idea

The first thing you need to decide is if your cross tattoo idea is going to be a religious one or not. If it is not, then you should make eliminate certain kinds of crosses from your choices. If it is, you are going to want to get a solid representation of the cross that can not be misinterpreted for something else. Celtic crosses are very common, as are Christian Gothic style crosses. Both of these traditional will be used in a non religious cross tattoo idea.

For a religious one, you may even want to look to add a Christ image into the cross as well. Sometimes this can be done with simply a face and a cross in the back, or a full representation of Christ on the cross. Either way, if you are going to go for a religious cross tattoo idea I recommend incorporating some kind of image like this into it. This will really make a much stronger statement for your cross tattoo idea.

The next thing your really need to think long and hard about is where to place your cross tattoo. This really depends on what you intend to do with the tattoo, what your reasons are, and what your personality is like. For many people a simple wrist tattoo idea is enough to get their message across without being over the top. There are many different styles and things you can incorporate into a cross here, from the simple to the complex. For the most part though if you are going to do something on your wrist I highly recommend going with something as simple as possible.

The next most popular spot to get a cross tattoo is on the shoulder. This gives you a large area to work with and you can really develop your cross tattoo idea to its fullest in this location. There are many different things you can do on the shoulder as it offers a nice open area to work with. The other thing with the should is it can be hidden by most T-shirts, dress shirts, and pretty much anything you can wear. In addition, if you want to show it off it is very easy to do with anything that is sleeveless or simply by removing your shirt.