
How To Identify Different Types of Stress

Stress is a major factor in diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and high blood pressure, so it is important to be able to identify stress so that it can be eliminated before it causes a problem. There are many types of stress that can creep into your every day life. Here are some common types of stress and how to identify them.


Eustress is a healthy type of stress that provides an instant jolt that one may need to finish a deadline, a race, or something creative. It can happen when a person needs a little extra push, idea, or strength to finish a task. For example, eustress arises when a musician is just about to perform or a speaker is just about to speak. Think of it as the "giving me the edge" stress. Eustress is fine, and even healthy, in small doses.


Distress is a bad stress that you need to watch out for. It is caused by a change in one's routine, like loosing a job, a sudden bill that needs to be paid, or a big move to a new town. There are two types of this kind of stress: acute, which goes away fairly quickly, and chronic, which is a prolonged stress that can stick around for an indefinite amount of time. Chronic stress is the kind that causes ulcers, heart problem, and high blood pressure.


Hyperstress happens when a person is pushed beyond their limit or given more than they can handle. This can happen from having a stressful job where one is working long hours, or from something as simple as having a baby with colic. This type of stress can cause mood swings, crying jags, and burnout, as well as factoring into major diseases.


Hypostress is a completely different type of stress, and one that many don't think about. This stress happens not when there is too much to do, but when someone is bored or unchallenged, like a worker on an assembly line or a student with a droning teacher. The symptoms of hypostress are restlessness, loss in creativity, and possibly depression.

As you can see, there are many more types of stress and many more complications from it, than many think. If you seem to be experiencing any of these types of stress on a regular basis it may be a good idea to talk with your doctor on ways to lower your stress level.