
Prognosis For Melanoma At An Early Stage Of The Cancer Is Most Desirable

Melanoma cases have been steadily rising over the past few decades and this may be attributed to the ozone layer becoming damaged and at present it ranks seventh in terms of common cancer in the US, and from an estimated risk factor of one in fifteen hundred cases in 1935, it has reached the alarming number of one in seventy-five by the year 2000. Though people aged between twenty and thirty can be affected by melanoma, it most often affects persons in their middle to late fifties.

Skin Involvement

Prognosis for melanoma is mainly dependent on the how involved is the skin as well as on the tumor's thickness and there are some patients who, in the early melanoma stages can only be cured with the help of surgery, and if cure is not possible, then patients could survive for months or even years and it depends on how well he/she responds to treatment and the duration of such response.

Another aspect to prognosis for melanoma is that it is believed that sun exposure can increase the patient's chances of survival and also help reduce risk of lymph gland cancers. Also, when considering prognosis for melanoma, you may need to consider the chances of complications occurring of melanoma, probable outcomes, how good or bad are the chances of recovery, the period of recovery for melanoma and the survival rates as well as death rates. In addition, you also need to consider any other outcomes that may probably arise during the prognosis for melanoma though most forecasts would generally are unpredictable.

There no doubts that melanoma is a very (perhaps, even the deadliest) form of skin cancer and it can be cured provided it is found out when it is still in its very early stages. It could require having the thin melanoma removed through surgical means which should cure the ailment and remember also that when the melanoma is particularly thick, the chances of survival are that much lower.

Furthermore, melanoma is curable provided it is both diagnosed as well as treated at a stage when the tumor has not become too thick and also has not invaded the patient's skin too deeply. When melanoma is allowed to grow from its early stages, cancer cells could grow into the skin and invade the tissues and it could then spread even further and thus become hard to keep under control. Thus, it behooves to get prognosis for melanoma at a very early stage, if survival and cure is to be made possible.