
First Trimester Pregnancy Changes You Can Expect

There are three significant and separate stages that comprise a nine-month pregnancy. These stages are broken down into trimesters. The first trimester incorporates weeks one through 12 of the pregnancy. The second trimester reflects weeks 13 through 28. The third trimester is represented by weeks 29 through 40.

Each of these trimesters is associated with different stages in the baby's development as well as bodily changes experienced by the mother. Three of those major developments that can be expected by the mother to be as part of the first trimester pregnancy period are changes in the breast, fatigue and nausea.

Changes In The Breasts

One of the significant changes that occur during the first trimester pregnancy period is a change in the woman's breasts. These changes occur because these glands will produce and provide nourishment to the newborn baby.

The physical changes during the first trimester pregnancy phase include a noticeable increase in the size of the breasts. This increase is due to the fact that the breasts are swelling in preparation to nurse the newborn child. In addition to the swelling, the breasts will become tender to the touch. In addition to the change in the size of the breast, the dark areas surrounding the nipple, areolas, will become even more pronounced.

To reduce discomfort and to support the breasts a special support bra should be worn. This action will help to reduce potential stretch marks associated with the breasts growth as well as supporting the breasts.


Another noticeable physical change during the first trimester pregnancy period is that of feeing very fatigued. This feeling of being exhausted can sometimes be experienced even when the pregnant woman obtains adequate sleep.

This normal condition during the first trimester pregnancy time frame is the body's reaction to all of the extreme changes that are taking place in the pregnant woman's body. There are several actions that you can take to help in countering this fatigue. Some of those actions include the taking of a nap, utilizing a body pillow and sleeping on the left side of the body. This action will help to maintain the proper blood flow of the major arteries that supply the nutrients to the baby.

Nausea And Vomiting

Other very distressing occurrences during the first trimester pregnancy stage are the possibilities of morning sickness or being nauseous. These feelings of nausea and actual episodes of vomiting are due to the changes that are being experienced by the body.

Some of these changes include the growth of the uterus, the lethargy of the digestive muscles, an increase of the level of acid in the stomach and a heightened sense of smell. All of these changes coupled with the increased level of feminine hormones may lead to morning sickness.