
A Guide To Your Propane Generator Options

Basically the purpose of a propane generator is to replace your regular gasoline generator, and this is important because gasoline is not a fuel that any professionals ever choose to use on backup generators, whereas propane quite frequently is. Gasoline not only has a very short shelf life, but as well it can actually result in causing engine failure, and this can be seriously detrimental in a lot of different situations.

Propane in the place of gasoline can be beneficial for a variety of other reasons as well, including that it can save you time, money and aggravation. With propane your vehicle's engine will run longer, stay cooler, and will even start up right away after a long winter, which is going to be even more important if you go to use it during an emergency.

If you use a propane generator over a gasoline generator, you can rest assured in knowing that if you end up with too much you will be able to store it without worry, because unlike gasoline propane can be stored for long periods of time without problems. You can also use natural gas here, and if you do, then you would most likely already be aware that it is the most dependable fuel available on Earth and that it, like propane, does not gum up or go stale like gasoline does.

Where To Buy A Propane Generator

If you are one of the many people out there who are interested in purchasing a propane generator, then you should know that there are a few models in particular that are worth checking out. One is the Briggs & Stratton Automatic Home Standby Generator, which provides maximum home standby power and even exercises itself every 7 days automatically in order to ensure readiness in the case of a power outage or similar situation.

Then there is the CO2 Generator: Gen-2 Liquid Propane CO2 Generator: HY, a propane generator that comes with five separate burners and an output that offers 15 cubic feet per hour. You can even add another three more burners to the generator if you wish, as this will help by increasing the CO2 output even more. You do have to remember to only add one burner at a time however, and that each burner will be able to emit 3.1 cubic feet of CO2 an hour.

There are various safety features offered on this propane generator, including a tip-over switch that ensures that the device will shut off automatically if it is accidentally tipped over, and the main burner may not be ignited while lighting the pilot flame.