Podcasting Without Apple Now Readily Available
When the technology for podcasting was first developed by Apple Corporation, the use of an iPod was required. As the technology for RSS feeds matured, podcasting without Apple technology and equipment became readily available. Initially, the thought of podcasting without Apple was unthinkable, but as trademark claims and rejections went through the government trademark office, the technology became open for virtually every company and every individual.
Developed by Apple to send information to users of the Apple iPod music player, the idea was to be able to send verbal communication to all users at the same time. It quickly added video to the mix, allowing Apple to make movies and music videos available to iPod users around the world. Since that time, podcasting without Apple has grown into a billion dollar industry that is not limited to the original intent of the technology.
Today, users can make their messages on a variety of topics available to a select group of users or to a global audience. As a result, podcasting without Apple is becoming more available than even Apple Corporation may have envisioned. Companies use it as a communication tool for their employees and schools use it to bring in outside lecturers into the classroom that otherwise would not be able to make a physical appearance.
Freeware Opens Door To All Users
In addition to the RSS technology being sold, freeware is also available through various sources, opening the podcasting door open to anyone with a home computer. With these programs available podcasting without Apple is becoming a booming business for individuals as well as larger businesses.
There are many programs being made available through podcasting without Apple by individuals as well as churches, life coaches and many others who have discovered an inexpensive means of delivering their message to a multitude of individuals. The attraction of being able to create one message and making it available to the everyone on the globe is too much for many people to ignore. They can also tailor their message to a select group and limit its availability by selective distribution.
In many cases, podcasting without Apple involves posting the audio or video message on the internet and then making the address available only to subscribers of the service. They can visit the site and retrieve the message at their leisure, without the ability to pass it on to others who may not appreciate the content of the podcast.