Facts About Carnivorous Plants
When people think of carnivorous plants pictures of horror movies with large man eating plants may emerge. Fiction and sci-fi authors have expounded on the idea of horrible evil plants for many years in many stories. More currently, with the advent of the video game industry, many games have the characters fleeing a hungry plant creature as they progress through various adventures. While these ideas may provide entertainment for many people the fact is that carnivorous plants do exist, although, not in the form of monsters unless perhaps you are a bug.
What Is A Carnivorous Plant
A carnivorous plant is a plant that lures some type of animal usually an insect into a trap where the creature dies, is eaten or digested and then benefits the plant itself. The most common meat eating plant is probably the Venus Fly Trap which many people are familiar with and may have even purchased for their home. But there are many other carnivorous plants with more that 600 species identified. People can be thankful for the contribution of these bug eating plants and the removal of irritating creatures such flies and gnats.
Where Do Carnivorous Plants Grow
These animal eating plants grow on every continent of the world except Antarctica. They are actually much more numerous and in more locations that the average person realizes. In fact every state of the United States has carnivorous plants growing. One thing for people to understand is that the plants are easily destroyed and in fact many species have become extinct because of people's behavior. A great way for people to observe plants of this nature is to visit one of the many botanical observatories across the country. This not only allows a person to learn more about the plants but works to preserve and help in the study of carnivorous plants.
How To Grow Bug Eating Plants
People can grow these wonderful plants in their own homes with a little bit of research and advice. Prior to purchasing any plants from a nursery a person will want to read some books on the subject. One very complete book is "Growing Carnivorous Plants" by Barry Rice. Copies of this book can be found at large book dealers such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The book "The Savage Garden" by Peter D'Amato is also recognized as being a great book for learning about the carnivorous plant world. Other information and lists of purchased materials can easily be found from the International Carnivorous Plant Society.