Getting With the Right Paintball People
Many who don't play the game assume that all paintball people are a little nuts, especially the ones that are really, really involved with the game. It's easy to see why someone would assume that, since the entire game is built around hunting down other people and eliminating them with equipment that has brand names like Mil-Sim and Special Ops. However, for the most part, paintball people are ones that just enjoy the patience, the planning, the strategy, the skills, and the teamwork. They know that these things build strong self-esteem in all the players. Rarely do paintball games involve just a crazy frenzy of shooting but are played around a certain scenario with rules, strategies, and real planning.
Paintball people usually form teams that they play with on a regular basis, and through this, they really learn reliance and trust of others. They learn to set aside their own ambitions for the good of the team and to take direction from the leader. When playing long games of paintball, people also learn to share the thrill of victory with others.
Most paintball people are happy to find new members and to share their years of experience and skills with the newbies. They look out for the new ones on the field and point out strategies and key moves to them as well. They all learn how to plan their battle, how to wait for the right opportunity to strike, and how to make quick adjustments when they see their enemy doing something unexpected.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and paintball people are no different. Some are extremely competitive and even ignore the rules of the game, or keep themselves separate from the team and do their own thing, so to speak. These types of competitors can detract from the entire experience, but thankfully they are few and far between. Most of those on the field are still mindful of their good sportsmanship even when caught up in the adrenaline of the competition.
If you're looking to join a game, it's important to find the right paintball people. Competition and strategy are fine, but if someone is overly competitive or somehow spoiling the fun for you, it may be time to move on. After all, paintball is a sport of military style planning and strategy and it is a glorified hunt, but it's still just a game.