The Facts about Migraine Headaches
Nearly 15% of the population suffers from migraine headaches at one time or another. It is one of the most common complaints seen in emergency rooms and doctors' offices. The frequency of these headaches can be anywhere from one headache each year to one each day. Women outnumber men in occurrences by more than three to one. These sessions of acute pain, nausea, vision disturbances and sensitivity to light and sound can last up to four hours, or for as long as 72 hours in some severe cases.
If you are one of the many who suffer from migraines on a regular basis, you know how debilitating the headaches can be. Many sufferers will attest to the fact that they are simply unable to function during a severe episode. For many, the only cure for one of these headaches is sleep until the pain finally subsides. Because migraines can get in the way of day-to-day life, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor about possible treatment plans if you have experienced migraines in the past.
What does a Migraine Look Like?
The symptoms of a migraine can vary considerably from person to person. Some of the common symptoms include a vision disturbance that can precede the headache itself. These vision changes can include a blind spot in one eye or a consistent flashing or color in a particular area of your vision. Other warning signs that a migraine is coming can be an intense feeling of euphoria, irritation or depression, or the detection of a funny taste or odor. Once the pain sets in, it can be accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
How are they Treated?
Migraines can be treated both by prevention, home remedies and medications. The type of treatment chosen will most likely depend on the frequency and severity of the headaches. For those who suffer from repeated migraines, your doctor may prescribe a medication that will help to stop the headache at the first sign, or a maintenance medication that can help prevent migraines entirely. Some prefer to use a home method for treating the headaches that can include avoiding triggers and using cool compresses and sleep once the pain begins.
Migraines can be difficult to deal with, particularly if you suffer with these debilitating headaches on a frequent basis. The good news is that there are many choices today for possible treatment and prevention plans that can help many migraine sufferers.