
Think Before You Present Open lingerie To Your Lady Friends

The list of open lingerie items can be quite exhaustive and spans a number of items including open bust teddy lingerie, open bust underwear, open g-string lingerie, string open lingerie, open bust clothing and open bras lingerie. They are especially used for erotic purposes and you will find many items in black as also those made of sexy fishnets and which usually feature open crotches as well as busts.

Love Sex Appeal

Women generally like anything that is sexy and will, if they are not too inhibited, go in for anything that adds to their sex appeal and which also makes a bold statement. No doubt, she needs to have a certain attitude to want to wear open lingerie, and it will no doubt make her much more attractive - not to mention risqué.

It is certainly meant to bowl men over and they are most attuned to staring and ogling at anything feminine in any case, and when she reveals her privates you can only guess what will go on in the minds of these men. Nevertheless, men may feel a trifle squeamish when buying their lady friends such items, as talking to the shopping assistant would no doubt is something that they will not quite relish.

You also want to be sure that you do not give offence to your lady friend, and it would be a good idea to first ascertain the level of her sauciness before presenting her with open lingerie items. You certainly don't want to make the mistake of giving a woman who only considers pajamas as being raunchy, something like crotchless knickers. You also need to realize that women are often very self conscious about their bodies and so you should be sure that they will in fact appreciate being given open lingerie. Anyway, if she does have exceptional cleavage, you could choose an open lingerie item such as lace open cup bras and string that would be very befitting.

Also, making the presentation is a very important thing when gifting any lingerie items including open lingerie, and this will give her as much pleasure as the actual gift. So, to add more punk to your gift makes sure that it has been beautifully wrapped and also tries to make it look quite expensive. The open lingerie and proper presentation will together help her get over whatever qualms she may have about modesty, and will make her appreciate you and your gift even more.

The bottom line is that open lingerie is really very risqué and needs to be handled with great care and tact; otherwise, you may easily ruin a relationship and cause unnecessary heartache.