General Lawn Care
Many types of grass on peoples' lawns in the United States do not originate in America. So knowing the type of grass a person has in their lawn can help that person to make a comprehensive lawn care routine.
Cool weather grasses tolerate the lower temperatures of Maine, Washington, Montana and other far northern states as well as the milder temperatures of Virginia, Nebraska, Colorado, and northern California. The cool weather grasses do however tend to brown in high temperatures, and odd super hot summers can ruin one of these lawns.
Warm weather grasses are most common in areas like southern California, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. These states generally have mild winters which will protect the grass from stunting. Lawn care for southern lawns will take more time than that of a northern lawn if for no other reason than the number of months grass grows well.
Lawn Care Basics
Sunlight is one element of lawn care that people cannot provide for it. All plants need sunlight to survive; if a person were to live in an area with less sun they should be careful in choosing a grass. Some types such as Kentucky Blue Grass, rye grass, or fuscue grass are forgiving in this way.
Places with lots of sun will need grasses which are a bit more tolerant of the heat, and will sprout up early in the spring. To keep warm weather grasses happy, the lawn care regiment includes the need for plenty of water during extremely hot months to keep their color. Warm weather grasses include centipede, St. Augustine, or Bermuda grasses.
Every lawn care regiment should include fertilizer as nourishing the grasses in this way will help to build a thick green lawn that is desired by everyone in America. Fertilizing is important because a well fed lawn will not need as much long them maintenance.
When the grass doesn't have to "worry" about starving, it can "focus" on slow steady even growth. This slow and steady approach will give the grass strong roots and reduce the amount of cutting the lawn care routine will require. Stronger roots will withstand a cold snap or drought better as well as mowing and people walking or playing on their lawn.
The basic person's lawn care routine should plan on four or five feedings each year including the first and last cutting. Booster doses are helpful after the first thaw, during the early days of summer when temperatures are rising or starting to equalize, and late in the summer when drought could be taking hold and/or temperatures are their highest.
Great lawns can't happen over night, continuous lawn care combined with preventive maintenance can help to keep a lawn strong, green, and beautiful year after year. Giving the grass everything they need through out the year will help to maintain a strong healthy lawn that will last.