
Kitchen Appliance Trends Are Often Cyclical

Every so often a new idea or the revamping of an old one pops up on the horizon and new ways are added to make life in the kitchen more enjoyable, or at least less of a burden. Depending on the device's utility and appearance, it many join the current wave of kitchen appliance trends that allow for manufacturers to improve their position in the quest for increased market share.

In the 1960's for example, many homeowners jumped at the latest in kitchen appliance trends that turned its back on classic white appliances, adding such colors as avocado and sunburst orange or yellow. This trend was short-lived as it was soon realized that the color of the kitchen did not always appear complimentary to the color of the appliances. However, as kitchen appliance trends change with time and consumer tastes, there is a tendency to return to previous trends, somewhat like clothing trends seem to come around as years pass.

While major appliances went through the color changes,, small kitchen appliance trends soon followed with the introduction of many different colors as well as a perceived improvement of convenience. Typically when something is made a little different and touted as new, better and easier to use the prices reflect the mood if the buying public. Over time, however consumers learned that the price relationship to quality seldom met the expectations of the current kitchen appliance trends and soon different style were made available as new products with the old price.

If Appliance Cannot Be Improved, Hide It

As consumers answer the call to many of the newest kitchen appliance trends they find themselves quickly out of room for the labor-saving devices to sit between uses. Building shelves, closets or racks to hold appliances between uses can be times-consuming and expensive and leaving the on display often eats up valuable countertop space.

One of the newest kitchen appliance trends is for built-in appliances such as coffeemakers that are built into wall, can openers and radios that are suspended from the bottom of the cabinets. Combining many items into small spaces is also helping to boost buying habits within the kitchen appliance trends.

Stainless steel is now one of the most popular finishes for appliances and textured materials that reject fingerprints and are easy to clean. Many of the kitchen appliance trends that emerge have a lot in common with the earlier version, but having one of the hottest items in popular kitchen appliance trends can be blamed on got-to-have-it marketing efforts.