
Saving the Environment and Finances: Rechargeable Hearing Aid Battery

There are many different hearing aid batteries in hearing aid battery reviews. They come in all different sizes to fit the size of the hearing aid, and as such will last different lengths of time depending on the type of battery. Although the packs of batteries will usually contain six of them and can cost from four to seven dollars per pack, which is not too expensive, the rechargeable hearing aid batteries will last for approximately two years before having to be replaced for new ones, thus saving the individual money in the long run.

Also, there are more options with rechargeable hearing aid batteries, and they are becoming more and more popular as hearing aid users begin to realize just how worth it buying rechargeable hearing aid batteries really is.


Rechargeable hearing aid batteries come in the different sizes that are required for the different types of hearing aids. The hearing aids that fit inside of the ear canal either completely or almost completely will usually take the smallest type of battery which is a ten. For hearing aids that go in the ear, where they either fill the cup of the ear or have a piece that goes inside of the ear and another that goes behind it, a larger battery is needed in most cases, such as a thirteen, three hundred twelve, or a six hundred seventy-five. The larger sized batteries usually will hold their charges for a longer period of time than the smaller batteries, although the average life before recharging rechargeable hearing aid batteries is about twenty hours.

The rechargeable hearing aid batteries will charge in two to six hours, depending on the type of charger that is used. The pen chargers are more portable since they look like a pen as their name implies, but they take longer to charge the battery. The card chargers are much faster, usually charging the rechargeable hearing aid batteries in about two hours. The pen chargers cost right around seventy dollars, depending on the brand of charger. The card chargers cost more, usually running about one hundred thirty dollars. This is a significant investment at the beginning, since the batteries also cost about forty dollars for a pair of batteries no matter what the size. However, once the investment has been made, the rechargeable hearing aid batteries can be recharged about six hundred times, which means that they have a life of about two years before any more money would have to be expended on batteries. For the two years, even buying the more expensive charger, the cost is about seven dollars per month. For the next two years, the cost drops significantly to only one dollar and seventy cents per month, well worth the initial investment.