
Services Provided By Eye Care Associates

Taking care of your eyes is very important. In fact it can contribute to your overall health or lack thereof. So finding the right eye care associates can be the key to long term health maintenance.

Services Provided

Most eye care associates provide a number of different services with each of them being very important. Some of these services include routine eye exams and lens and frame fitting. However, some services vary from firm to firm.

People often get their eyes examined due to having difficulty with seeing objects within close distance or far away. Or because they have frequent headaches due to eye strain from working on computer or other types of work that require reading.

Eye care associates can also help diagnose vision problems that might be caused by glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other disorders that can take your vision away from you. Also, there are conditions that can in the long run affect your vision but can be diagnosed through a comprehensive and routine regimen of eye exams.

With the help of eye care associates you can also find the right kind of contact lenses. With up to date scientific advancement most types of eye disorders can be regulated by use of contact lenses. It seems to be the case that anyone who wants to use contact lenses can get them.

Laser corrective surgery is also offered in most cases. With the surgery anyone who wants to lessen their dependence on contact lenses or glass can have the surgery. Essentially it reshapes the cornea, which is located in the front of your eye and allows light to be focused more clearly on the back of your eye.

Eye emergencies are also covered. Things such as infections, sudden vision loss, or intense eye pain. Generally there will be an associate on call twenty four hours a day in the case of emergency.


Eye care associates are consummate professionals. Typically there are at least two doctors working together and they both have a rotating on call schedule. Usually both doctors are well qualified and have a staff of nurses to assist them.

In terms of payment most eye care associates accept insurance as well as Medicare. This helps them be more flexible when working with patients to get them the care they need.


Eye care associates offer a variety of services and are augmented with qualified staffing and flexible payment options.