
Planning the Perfect Plastic Easter Egg Hunt

So, you're in charge of the plastic Easter egg hunt this year. Being in control of this sort of thing can be the most fun thing you'll do all year. You have to make it count though, so something different that the lady that ran it last year didn't think of. Don't just out a hand full of M & M's in between two pieces of Easter egg plastic and call it a day, put some heart and creativity behind it.

Ideas, Games, and Fun!

One of the best parts of Easter is the plastic Easter egg hunt. Put different types of candy in the plastic Easter eggs, try chocolate, sweet tarts, even bubble gum. Throw some change in some, or a dollar or two.

Let the kids have something fun in their plastic Easter egg! Another great idea is to put little toys or stickers in them, maybe a rubber ball, or a stick-on tattoo. Make the eggs creative and fun filled, keep in mind that some kids are too young to eat certain types of candy, give them something else to enjoy!

There are so many ways to conduct a plastic Easter egg hunt, like rewarding the child that finds the most eggs. Another fun way to have your hunt is to hide a special coin or raffle ticket in one or two eggs that entitles the winner to a special Easter basket or a gift card.

You can fill the basket with the left over candy, a small stuffed animal and a book, or a board game. You can put McDonald's dollars in there or tickets to the zoo or the movies. These are inexpensive ideas that parents appreciate, and kids will absolutely love! This will give the kids more incentive to find the most eggs, and also create a winning environment.

Easter is a fun time for the kids mostly. It's a time of reflection, and food, picnics and games, families and church. It's fun to help your little ones find the most eggs and put them in their Easter basket.

It is fun to watch the little ones scurry around in their Sunday best with their tiny blue suits, little yellow sun hats or pink frilly dresses. Letting them all loose in the yard equipped with their hopeful hearts and best scavenger hunting skills. It will be hard to top this year's plastic Easter egg hunt if you go above and beyond with your creativity!