
The Benefits of Cold Drinking Water

In today's market, when you are thirsty there are a multitude of companies that want you to use their beverage to quench your thirst. They use a variety of ways to persuade you to buy their products, like celebrity endorsements, flashy packaging, promise of great taste, and, in many cases, a strong dose of caffeine. While many of these drinks may taste good and give you a boost, they are usually over priced and somewhat unhealthy. Caffeine especially tends to dehydrate your body, which causes you to be energetic for a while, and then feel completely drained. Next time you need something to drink, consider cold drinking water. Water is much better for you than any caffeinated products on the market, and, is usually cheaper. Not only that, the majority of your body is made of water and since your body uses that water at an extraordinary rate, it must be replenished constantly. If you are thirsty and drink a soda or other caffeinated drink, you are already slightly dehydrated and are only making the situation worse.

Cold Drinking Water Is Better For Your Body

While any water you drink is good for you, there are additional benefits associated with cold drinking water. Cold drinking water is not only more refreshing after working out or other physical activity; it is also more easily absorbed into your bloodstream than warm or hot water. Also, because your body is constantly regulating your temperature, your body actually uses extra energy to bring cold drinking water up to 98.6 degrees. This means burning additional calories to heat this cold water in your stomach. Not only does cold drinking water help burn calories, it does not bring any additional calories into your system, unlike many other drinks on the market. Most drinks will load your body down with extra calories and pull the water out of your blood stream, making it more difficult to shed those extra calories.

In fact, for years experts have recommended that everyone drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay completely hydrated and promote good health. Because water is so important to your health, it should not be overlooked, especially in the case of children. Since children are still growing and developing, it is all the more important that they have cold drinking water. Being healthy at this age, as well as learning healthy nutritional habits early on, will help them grow into healthy adults.