
How to Avoid High Cholesterol Foods

Our health is the most important asset we have and often we don't realize until we are faced with an emergency situation such as, heart attack. Eat healthy and exercise has been a golden rule forever, as we have been told the same thing by our grand parents, teachers, parents, doctors and friends therefore there must be some truth to it. The fact is that your health is directly in your hands, as far as your cholesterol and contains its levels is concerned unless, of course you have an existent medical condition due to which reason you must follow a diet and/or take medication.

What Is Cholesterol and How It Affects Our Health

Cholesterol is a waxy like substance found in our blood stream; the liver produces cholesterol and it can also be found in several foods therefore we must watch our diet. There are two main types of cholesterol and they are: low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol, which is also known as the bad cholesterol because large amounts of it can clog the arteries and promote heart diseases.

High-density cholesterol or HDL is also known as good cholesterol because it helps eliminate the LDL cholesterol from the blood stream reducing the risks of heart attack. Cholesterol is needed by our bodies in order to produce cell membrane, tissues and several other hormones but must be maintained in the desired levels in order for it to be healthy and not pose a fatal risk to our life.

Watch the High Cholesterol Foods

The best way to control the levels of cholesterol is to watch for high cholesterol foods and try to moderate their intake as much as possible. First you must identity the high cholesterol foods such as, poultry, fish, seafood, egg yolk, meat and diary products. Educating yourself on what types of high cholesterol foods you should avoid or how you can replace them with low cholesterol foods will be a major step towards a better and healthier life. High cholesterol foods should not be entirely avoided, as many of them are an essential part of a healthy diet but you should learn to reduce their intake in order to maintain or lower your LDL cholesterol levels.

Helpful Tip

Over weight people face a higher risk of high cholesterol but those who are slim are not excluded, as cholesterol levels is not affected by weight or age but by the type of food you eat and the activities you engage into. Eat health and exercise, learn about the specific needs or your body and listen to your doctor's advice to lead a healthy and happy life.