Blood Pressure Is A Sign Of Good Health
Most adults have had their blood pressure taken by a nurse or doctor on one of their regular checks. Many times, the nurse or doctor comes in to put a blood pressure cuff around the arm. The nurse or doctor then presses a contraption that inflates the cuff before looking at some kind of a dial. Many doctors or nurses do not say a word about the blood pressure if there is no problem. If there is some kind of a problem, the medical professional might just look concerned or they might discuss the problem with the patient.
Many people know that their blood pressure is good or bad, but many people do not know what the blood pressure is. If there is a problem, the doctor might prescribe a medicine and recommend exercise, but many people do not know what the doctor is talking about. If the doctor told them they had a broken leg, they would recognize the problem. If they have a brain tumor, they can visualize what this might look like in their cranial cavity. The people with high blood pressure who get a bad reading when the doctor inflates that cuff often take the medications prescribed by the doctor.
Blood Pressure Is Measured With Two Numbers
Blood pressure is measured in two different numbers when the nurse or doctor puts that cuff on the arm. One measure is called systolic and the other is called diastolic. If these numbers get too high or too low, the medical expert who reads the meter will realize that there is a problem. There are then medications that people can take to get the numbers right. Doctors might also recommend more sleep, a better diet and exercise. Most people are able to control their blood pressure with the help of a vigilant doctor.
High blood pressure can result in some serious conditions if the patient does not take precautions to control their blood pressure. Some doctors will ask their patients to monitor their pressure on a regular basis with a home machine. This information will give the doctor insight into the severity of the condition. There are several medications that medical professionals have developed through medical research studies. These studies have identified the problems, possible causes and remedies. All of the people affected by this condition should work carefully with their doctor to make sure that they are taking all measures to correct the condition.