
Tips for Bathroom Remodeling Design

The task of remodeling your bathroom is difficult and expensive. There are several key fixtures to consider when you work on your bathroom, most of them expensive. There is flooring to consider, as well as paint, and the result of anything going wrong is a place that you will spend a lot of time in while not enjoying the room.

Of course, to be successful, you need to design your remodeling project well before you swing a single hammer. If you take the time to work out a well-planned bathroom remodeling design, a wonderful new bathroom is sure to follow.

Function Before Form

The secret to a comfortable bathroom is to consider the function of your bathroom before you think about what it will look like. No matter how pretty your bathroom looks, if you have a poor bathroom remodeling design, one that makes your bathroom uncomfortable to use, you won't enjoy it. Throughout your bathroom remodeling design process, consider what you want your bathroom to do and work towards that goal.

Map it Out

When you are working on the design for your bathroom remodeling project, make sure to take accurate measurements of your bathroom and create a map that you can work with. Mark where the plumbing is, mark where your fixtures are, and you'll be able to better plan what you need to do. The key to successful bathroom remodeling design is good planning, and a map is a great way to keep you focused on exactly where everything needs to be.

Consider Your Fixtures

Make sure to know exactly where your fixtures will go when designing your remodeling project, since you need the plumbing there to accommodate them. Unless you can somehow move the location of your fixtures, your sink, tub, and toilet are going to be exactly where you have them right now. In most cases, the location of your fixtures is going to be a hard limit, so plan accordingly.

Locate Things Sensibly

When you decide where smaller fixtures, such as the towel rack or even the toilet paper roll, go in the bathroom remodeling design, keep in mind that they should go in places that are sensible, once again going back to function over form. The towel rack might look nice by the door, but if it's out of arm's reach of the bathtub, then you won't be happy whenever you get out of the shower, for example. With all things in bathroom remodeling design, if you design with an eye for common sense and space, you will be successful in your attempt to create a room that's both stylish and functional.