
Discovering About Reactive Arthritis: What it is and how it can be Treated

The first question here should be what is reactive arthritis and the answer is not as simple as may be presumed; in other words, there are basically several different factors that need to be taken into consideration here, and so we must understand all of these in order to be able to fully understand the matter of reactive arthritis altogether.

What is Reactive Arthritis?

Reactive arthritis is basically a type of arthritis that is caused by bacteria, and this bacteria is what causes the person to initially become sick, and then it later travels through the body to the joints between the bones, and the joints of the body will then become stiff and will start to be painful; this is what is known as inflammation.

Reactive arthritis as of yet is known to most often affect areas of the body such as the knees, ankles, and toes, however it is also able to affect the eyes, the skin, and other muscles of the body. Therefore, because it is a form of arthritis that is anything but predictable, it is incredibly important that you get regular check ups with your doctor so that he can determine whether you have this form of arthritis or not.


Basically in regards to treatment, if your doctor thinks that you may have this form of arthritis then they will typically refer you to a rheumatologist, and this is a doctor who has received special training in regards to the diagnosis and treatment of problems with joints, muscles, and bones, and so this doctor will be able to examine and diagnose better than anyone.

As well, your own doctor may perform a physical examination, and they may even order x-rays or other types of tests. Sometimes this form of arthritis will go away on its own in a couple days or so, and sometimes it can last much longer; each case is different and because it is so unexpected, you will basically have no way of knowing how long your case in particular is going to last.

Overall, the most important thing that you can remember to do is to keep yourself as healthy as possible, and this means going in for regular check ups with your family physician. After all, there is no cure for arthritis and so the best thing that you can do is try and prevent it altogether.