
The Major Causes Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

One of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in the world today is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There are some very obvious signs and symptoms of this disorder, and in particular you will notice that your child is more excitable, hyperactive and energetic than most other children.

They will often tire or bore of things much quicker than the other kids and seem to never tire out. Many parents do not notice these symptoms or they do and they just think that this is part of being a kid and that nothing is wrong. As environmental situations are not recognized as a cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, heredity seems to be the culprit, although diet may contribute.

If you ever notice your child exhibiting any of these symptoms you should get them in to see your doctor right away, just to have a proper assessment and diagnosis done. This can determine whether they are just a little bit hyperactive or whether they have a condition such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Chemical Causes

There are quite a few known causes of ADHD. A chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters is considered as being one of the most common causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These neurotransmitters are what help the brain to form thoughts and to store information.

Since problems with memory and alertness are major attributes of those who suffer from this disorder, it therefore makes sense that researchers believe that low dopamine levels may be responsible also. Acetylcholine is one neurotransmitter in particular that has been recognized as one of the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This is important because this neurotransmitter plays a key role in the body by helping it to control cognitive functions such as perception and judgment.

All of the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are important to understand, especially if your own child is suffering from the condition. One of the most important things to remember if you are a parent of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is that the disorder can be very trying and frustrating to deal with, so you have to be understanding and have patience.

Taking your child to group therapy is one great option, as this helps to bring the family together and also helps the child to learn more about their condition and what is involved with overcoming it. It is vital that the entire family help the child to cope and make sure that they do not feel out of place or unwanted.

In The Brain

Studies into the cause of ADHD have revealed that people that suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder seem to have slower activity in the parts of their brain that controls motor functions and the ability to concentrate and pay attention. It is possible that one of the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has to do with the brain's inability to produce a chemical called dopamine which has a lot to do with motor functions and the brain's ability to concentrate. In the absence of a full compliment of the chemicals the brain needs to function properly we get an imbalance that could be the cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder although nothing has been shown to be absolute yet.

Environment Versus Genetics

There have been studies done on the genetics of children diagnosed with ADHD and in one study conducted by the Biederman Group in Massachusetts showed that upwards of thirty-five percent of the immediate family of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are likely to also have the condition. In a similar study it was shown that adopted children with parents known to have the condition were more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children that did not have affected parents regardless of what the condition was of the adoptive parents.

This kind of a study gets us closer to determining a cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and it can be hypothesized from these studies that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is more than likely a genetic condition and that environment has little to do with developing the condition. More tests are being conducted and no definite results have yet been determined. And keep in mind that important factors such as climate change and diet have not yet been completely studied as we try to find the cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.